Friday, December 1, 2023

Music and Story - How Music Can Help Writers Create


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Writers have routines that help them get into the flow of writing. For some, this involves a simple act such as making a cup of coffee or tea. Other writers, though, may struggle to get into the headspace needed to write, especially if they are trying to squeeze in a thirty-minute writing session in between other commitments. Having an established workspace helps, but individuals can continue to struggle at times.

This has happened to me numerous times. I sit down to write, but distractions arise, or I must push myself to type out the words. At these moments, music has helped me focus and write.

Although each writer should establish a routine that works for them, playing background instrumental music is a beneficial choice to maintain focus and encourage creativity throughout the writing process. In the prewriting stages, certain music enables writers to imagine and visualize the scenes of their story. Then, as the music establishes the tone and mood of the scene, an individual can more easily write the scene based on what they visualize.

For example, during a screenwriting class, I needed to write visually since screenplays are intended to be produced as films. To prepare for the writing sessions, I played fantasy music to get me into the headspace of the story. After spending time imagining the scenes, I found myself in a better position to work on the screenplay. The fantasy music also encouraged me to stay focused on the tone and mood of the story as I wrote.  

Not Just for Fiction Writers

Lest people conclude that music is only for creative writers who are penning novels or screenplays, playing instrumental music in the background can assist writers with any form or genre. I completed a great deal of my academic writing for classes and assignments while listening to the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and Bach. Also, instrumental worship music is often playing as I draft articles. The rhythm, speed, and tone of the various songs make me feel relaxed, which allows me to focus and work.

Recommendations for Writing with Music

    When sitting down for a writing session, not just any music will do. Some individuals may appreciate songs with lyrics, but I have found that instrumental music promotes greater focus because lyrics can distract. Another aspect to keep in mind is the mood the music evokes. Does the sound make you feel what you want to convey in the scene you are writing? Upbeat, cheery music is not the best choice if you are drafting an intense conversation between characters or creating an emotionally moving scene after the protagonist experiences the death of a loved one. Thinking about how the music affects your writing and how it can assist you in setting the mood and tone are vital details to consider.

    Here are a few recommendations of music for writing based on my experience while working on my novel-in-progress and writing articles.

  • For the writer of fantasy or speculative fiction – Blue Turtle has a YouTube channel that showcases original art animation and music perfect for writing fantasy. A few of the videos change things up with piano and lo-fi music, but overall, it is an excellent choice to listen to as you draft a fantasy novel or short story.  As a bonus, the animation is superb and follows the adventures of a young mage named Ithya. 
  • For the writer seeking focus – Some of the most helpful music that I have encountered while working on a variety of projects is classical music. HALIDONMUSIC offers numerous videos and playlists that are excellent choices for any writer. I have found their “Classical Music for Reading,” to be inspiring, thought-provoking, and helpful when I experience writer’s block.
  • For the writer of biblical topics, Christian growth articles, or devotionals – A variety of playlists and videos exist that include instrumental worship music. Some consist of hymns while others are comprised of contemporary Christian music. Either way, the music can encourage you to praise God as you write and remember the reason you are writing. Two YouTube channels that I recommend for Christian writers are Josh Snodgrass and Dan Musselman. Their music can also be found on other platforms, such as Spotify.

The Connection Between Music and Story

We should not be surprised at how songs and writing overlap. As I mentioned in the introduction post to this blog series, story has always been interwoven with music since songs were used throughout history to convey tales and the important deeds of individuals. Today, music continues to inspire stories by igniting the imagination of writers.    

Now that we have seen how music inspires stories, the next post will investigate how literature has inspired music.   

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