About This Blog

Are you a bookworm? 

Do you love writing and exploring stories?

Have you ever thought about deeper issues after reading a book, listening to music, or watching a movie? 

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this blog is for you!

The Cross, a Pen, and a Page is a blog about story, faith, and creativity. I want to inspire you to delve deeper into stories, whether in literature or other formats, and to see that there are significant themes and worldviews present that compel us to contemplate meaning and truth. If we look closely, we can begin to see how the tales, songs, and books we love so well can point us to Someone greater. 

Also, this site exists to encourage writers, who like me, want to use their "pen" and "page" for the glory of Christ. May you find thought-provoking words that lead to growth, but also helpful advice for your own creative service to the Lord.   

So, if you're ready, let's dive right in! 

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Loving Our Neighbors as Writers

  Image by  Gordon Johnson  from  Pixabay      A writer’s job is often lonely work. Sitting behind a computer, typing and retyping sentences...